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Verso 800 x 100 Inner Drawer

Stock Code: 16926963

Product Details

verso internal drawer kit 100mm high. Steel construction (75kg U.D.L.) with 100% extension slides For cupboard WxD:800x550mm. Drawer front finished in durable powder coat paint in RAL 5010 gentian blue or selected colour option. WxDxH: 800x550x100mm.

Verso 800 x 100 Inner Drawer 16926963.** 16926963.** verso internal drawer kit for cupboard -. WxDxH: 800x550x100mm. RAL 5010 or selected verso internal drawer kit for cupboard -. WxDxH: 800x550x100mm. RAL 5010 or selected Bott Verso Drawer Cabinets 800 x 550  Tool Storage for garages and workshops Bott Verso Drawer Cabinets 800 x 550  Tool Storage for garages and workshops Verso 800 x 100 Inner Drawer 16926963.** verso internal drawer kit 100mm high. Steel construction (75kg U.D.L.) with 100% extension slides For cupboard WxD:800x550mm. Drawer front finished in durable powder coat paint in RAL 5010 gentian blue or selected colour option. WxDxH: 800x550x100mm.
Verso 800 x 100 Inner Drawer Bott Verso Drawer Cabinets 800 x 550  Tool Storage for garages and workshops 16926963.11v Gentian Blue (RAL5010) 16926963.24v Crimson Red (RAL3004) 16926963.19v Dark Grey (RAL7016) 16926963.16v Light Grey (RAL7035) 16926963.RAL Bespoke colour £ extra
RRP / List Price£71.97