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Verso 1300W x 175H Inner Drawer Kit

Stock Code: 16926979

Product Details

verso internal drawer kit 175mm high. Steel construction (75kg U.D.L.) with 100% extension slides For cupboard WxD:1300x550mm. Drawer front finished in durable powder coat paint in RAL 5010 gentian blue or selected colour option. WxDxH: 1300x550x175mm.

Verso 1300W x 175H Inner Drawer Kit 16926979.** 16926979.** verso internal drawer kit for cupboard -. WxDxH: 1300x550x175mm. RAL 5010 or selected verso internal drawer kit for cupboard -. WxDxH: 1300x550x175mm. RAL 5010 or selected Bott Verso Basic Tool Cupboards Cupboard with shelves Bott Verso Basic Tool Cupboards Cupboard with shelves Verso 1300W x 175H Inner Drawer Kit 16926979.** verso internal drawer kit 175mm high. Steel construction (75kg U.D.L.) with 100% extension slides For cupboard WxD:1300x550mm. Drawer front finished in durable powder coat paint in RAL 5010 gentian blue or selected colour option. WxDxH: 1300x550x175mm.
Verso 1300W x 175H Inner Drawer Kit Bott Verso Basic Tool Cupboards Cupboard with shelves 16926979.11v Gentian Blue (RAL5010) 16926979.24v Crimson Red (RAL3004) 16926979.19v Dark Grey (RAL7016) 16926979.16v Light Grey (RAL7035) 16926979.RAL Bespoke colour £ extra
RRP / List Price£134.80